Save Energy program

Using SGL energy saving services, existing facilities can be upgraded to benefit from energy efficient, modern lighting.


Such upgrades not only provide better quality illumination but also deliver short- and long-term savings, we guarantee lower energy costs. Don't assume high electric bills are simply part of doing business!


Have us evaluate your current system to determine potential sources of savings. Being an  experienced manufacturer of energy saving lighting products we can help you save energy  efficiently and quickly at minimal investment cost.


What are the benefits?

  • Save lighting energy up to 75% 
  • Increases light level and enhances light quality
  • lowers maintenance costs
  • More environment friendly lighting


How we do it:  

Lighting Energy Analysis


We'll visit your facility to examine your current fixtures and existing lights and analyze areas that are underperforming or wasting energy.


We will draw up a Comprehensive Lighting Energy Saving Proposal detailing areas that require attention. Our detailed proposal will include a complete analysis of your current system along with:


        (i) Suggested products 


        (ii) Recommendations for improvements


       (iii) Material cost


       (iv) Installation costs


        (v) Recycling/disposal costs


        (vi) Project payback time

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